Preface: Alright here it is. After a request from one Jim Waclawik to update it and a threat from one Marilyn Blasingame to stop reading, I have finally gotten around to updating my blog after an absence of 10 days, my single longest abscence yet in order to keep my readers happy. Marilyn, I just won't be friends with your
cupcake shop but I value your following and hope we can get past our differences.
Anyway things at Tommy have been very work-filled for me these last ten days. In the past ten days I have written two different papers, given a 45 minute presentation on Tuesday, literally just finished taking a mid-sem test, and completed my part of a paper for biology this morning that is due Sunday . Alright I am done making excuses as to why I haven't updated this in a while but I have been busy. The only brightside about not having volleyball right now is the freetime it allows me to do all this work. That is the only brightside.

But overall it was a pretty uneventful past week and a half. In my vertebrate zoology lab i dissected a
fetal pig for the third time in my life. How many pigs must a person cut up before they graduate school? A group of Notre Dame students went out to Rottnest Island for this past weekend which would have been a bunch of fun, but seeing as I had all this work to do I passed. I do intend to get out there in one of the weekends after spring break, since it is supposed to be super nice, with a group of us that stayed in this weekend. But by not going out there I did get to wake up early again and watch our great football team choke another game away to Michigan. In all honesty I was not at all suprised at the outcome after we completed that 95 yard play to Rudolph. It was typical Notre Dame football. Anyway I wasn't really expecting our team to do much with a first six game prediction of 3-3. I mean don't get me wrong I want our team to win as much as any other kid on Notre Dame's campus (except for maybe Jim Waclawik or Steve Walsh) but I just didn't think we would be that good this year. NFL kicked off this week though to a very favorable start for the Packers (a win and a Vikings loss) but I am a bit concerned over the loss of Ryan Grant for the season. Hopefully the Cornhusker Brandon Jackson can step up his game and provide Rodgers with the run support he needs.

We get to go on another one of Notre Dame's trips tomorrow which will be a nice break/reward for these past weeks. Good thing I only have one class on Friday, and this certain lecture happens to be recorded. Instead of being a whole weekend trip, this one is just a day excursion in Perth. We are going canoeing on the Swan River during the morning, spending the afternoon at Mundaring Weir (a dam and lake) and a night time walk at Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary. It should be a great time. Just going out on trips like these is one of the best things about being down here in
Australia. Going out into the land and escaping any thought of actually being in school is a great feeling.
As always I am looking for new music to get off DC++ so if anyone has any suggestions of some good stuff let me know.
You cannot let Marilyn push you around like that.
ReplyDeleteshe's so persuasive though. i cant help but write another post. it was due for anyway