Obviously you guys are the thing that make Notre Dame home for me, so naturally you will be the thing I miss the most while I am here. Basically you guys make everything else on this list 100x more fun.
2. Football Games
The time honored tradition of a fall Saturday afternoon at Notre Dame is unparalleled. Watching the games at 2:30 and 3:30 in the morning just wont be the same.
3. Volleyball
Of the three activities that take up 90% of my time at ND, the other two being working at the DH and doing homework, volleyball is easily the thing I enjoy doing most at ND. Going to miss giving "buttery sets" as they call them, to the team.
4. Pick up Basketball Games at the Rock
What better way is there to spend Friday and Saturday afternoons than playing a pick up game at the Rock? Who knows, maybe you'll even get to play against kids like Nate Montana.
5. Flex Points
Having a store of fake money that you have already paid for is so much more useful than spending real money just because I am more willing to spend it. Especially for....
There is no better way to take a break from studying than hearing one of my buddies coming down the hall telling me its time to go to "reck-city". All that Razz and Berry Breeze are my one-two punch.
7. DJing Halo Games
When the jerseys go on and the sticks get fired up I just get an itch in between my shoulders, and the only way I have found to satisfy that itch to throw up some beats for the combatants. It is hard to please everyone playing but I just beat as best I can and hope they don't mind.
8. Tim
Easily the biggest character in South Dining Hall, this grilled and sometimes dread-locked cook is the funniest guy to talk to while I am working, as well as fist pound after receiving my omelet from when I get one.
9. Long Walks to Jordan and the Jacc

10. ESPN
Not much TV down here but I am definitely going to miss being able to watch NFL and college football games.
Things I won't miss at ND: Quaterdogs (I couldn't care less if they raised prices to $0.33. Theres no reason three terrible hotdogs for a dollar can't cover your hunger needs instead of four), everybody freaking out because they have tests (I mean we still have tests its just that there are less people to freak out here), Sundays (as much as I like doing homework for hours on end)
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